Cumulative Quantity Discount

Cumulative Quantity Discount

Cumulative Quantity Discount (CQD) is a program designed to reward repeat customers after reaching a certain order quantity. It offers the deepest discounts based on the TOTAL CUMULATIVE order quantity for the same item. For example, if a customer orders (30) iPad G3 cases today, and a month later orders (3) G4 cases, instead of paying a higher unit price for the small qty ($34 each), the price will be from the 26-50 tier, or $26 each. That's a 23% savings!


The program does have some limitations and restrictions, as listed below:

  • It only applies on üuber branded tech products. Printed items and customized items are not eligible.
  • It's only available upon request at the time of order. It cannot be applied retroactively on previous orders.
  • Discounts only apply on items from the same product family. For example, a new order of Slim Tough Case G5 can benefit from historical orders of the G3 and G4, but a new order of the Flip Turn Case does not benefit from historical orders of keyboards.
  • Historical orders must be placed directly with us. Orders through resellers and other channels do not qualify.
  • Minimum cumulative quantity requires for discounts is 10.
  • Standard shipping and handling charges apply.

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